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About EVOTool
[Image: about-evo.png]

1. Software interface & Functions Introduction

[Image: 1667625820-509646-redmi-note-9s.jpg]

EVO Features introduction

A. Software version
B. Mobile brand and chip option
C. Mobile model and usb or port option
D. Software tip;how to connect mobile and boot it
E. Commonly used functions;in here you can one click open the function
D. Software function

Flash: Firmware upgrade or dump ,erase tools;
in here;all the operate need read info first; read info software will auto get devices gpt data and show
and you can tick any partitons you want do;
ex; select read info;click start;connect mobile;boot device,and i want backup the recovery;select recoery partiton and select read flash,click start read it;
this will make help and place in link after;

Reset: easy fix tool in here;in here;you can

* Erase UserData; unlock password,reset mobile setting,erase mobile userdata....
Make Auto Reset: solve mobile not has wipe in the recovery;or devices has passcode and can not reset;
* Erase Frp: this will remove google id in the device
* Unlock Bootloader: with this you can unlock mobile bl and flash 3th rom or make root...
* Lock Bootloader: with this you can re lock the bl and restore mobile to factory firmware
* Read RPMB & Write RPMB & Erase RPMB: Normal RPMB inside has mobile Factory unique data;like android normal put the Fingerprint verification data in here;inside has imei \battery data...etc;this case about the mobile factory;
* Fastboot Read Info: android has fastboot \recovery \ normal power on mode;in here you can read device information;include has mobile brand,mobile name;mobile hardware type(like cpu ,flash size;ram size,bootloader lock or not)
* Erase Account: in here can remove mobile find my phone cloud id

Software tip message box;here will show you device information;what the software doing;success or not

progress bar;Work status and progress

2. Features and Power

A. What is the EVOTool can do

Evotool is a mobile,tablet(pad) software repair tool
Support android and IOS system;
can fix Mainstream models factory reset,erase frp,erase cloud id,firmware upgrade,firmware dump,fix baseband,
Special features like IMIE repair,wlan MAC,BT MAC Repair,baseband unknow,unlock \ relock bootloader...etc;
Basically covers the needs of the mobile software market
and is powerfull

B. EVOTool Powerful.

Autonomous Transport Protocol;Efficient and stable;
with this you can shared the devie to local;or shared the evotool to Remotely;
Efficiently resolve unknown errors; multiple times unsuccessfully on other tools problem

auto flash emi Identify
It comes down to EVONDT powerful servers ;use select device server auto Identify flash emi;with this;you not need download flash not need select flash emi; you can very easy boot the device with test point or dead set

bypass ios device(iphone or ipad) a7a11 ; ios device to pwndfu;boot ramdisk;dump data or restore data all in the windows;without mac and linux system;

fast update and stable ,easy to use in the evotool;we are make everythink is more sample more samle,and Commonly used functions just one click!!!

IMEI checker: in ;you can check mobile warranty;configure;find my phone is enable or not;where is the cell phone sold

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